Welcome to the BioMechatronics Laboratory

  • Bienvenue au Laboratoire de bioMécatronique chez Université Carleton

  • Welcome to the bioMechatronics Lab

  • Virtual reality and surgical training

  • Image simulation for surgical training

  • Image-guided minimally invasive surgery

  • Biomedical instrumentation

  • 4th year undergraduate capstone design project

  • 4th year undergraduate capstone design project

  • Robotique et interaction haptique

Welcome to the BioMechatronics Laboratory in the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering at Carleton University. Our research combines robotics with instrumentation to enable complex minimally invasive surgical interventions. Our areas of research include:
- Robotics: Teleoperation, image-guided minimally-invasive surgery, collaborative human-robot surgery;
- Instrumentation: Device instrumentation, signal processing, multimodal tissue characterization;
- Imaging: Ultrasound imaging, multi-modal imaging
- Human-machine interfaces: VR, haptic devices, and sensors.

See Openings for open graduate and undergraduate research positions.

Lab News

    July 13 Sathiya has a paper accepted at IEEE SMC in Sarawak, Malaysia, well done!

    June 13 Congratulations to Conor on receiving the Carleton University's Senate Medal for outstanding graduate work!

    June 10 Sam was awarded the student scholar award from the The Society of Fire Protection Engineers. Congratulations!

    May 14 Hossein has a paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. Excellent job!

    Apr 24 Hossein got both a paper and a poster accepted at IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium in Naples. Congratulations!

    Apr 24 Sam has a paper accepted at IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium in Naples. Congratulations!

    Apr 10 New funding from the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities will support our research on acoustoeletric tomography. Read the story here.

    Mar 27 Alec and Conor presented their papers at 2024 ICSM in Redondo Beach.

    Mar 8 Our research on pediatric laparoscopy training was featured at Challenge Carleton. Here the story here.

    Jan 10 Congratulations to Alec and Conor on having each a paper accepted at 2024 ICSM in L.A.!

    Dec 16 Conor has a paper accepted in Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. Excellent work!

    Oct 20 Conor has successfully defended his MASc thesis and was nomminated for the Senate Medal for outstanding graduate work. Congratulations!

    Jul 7 Hossein has a paper accepteed at the Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Congratulations!

    Jun 21 Ben Keeshan's paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. Congratulations!

    Jun 05 We have 3 papers accepted at the 2023 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium. Congratulations to Conor and Ebrahim!

    Jun 01 Sam and Hoorieh have each a paper accepted at IEEE SMC in Maiu. Great job!

    May 24 Congratulations to Conor on the best student paper award, 2nd place, at IEEE I2MTC in Kuala Lumpur!!

    May 5 Alec is one the winners of the TLS 2022-2023 Outstanding TA Awards. Congratulations!

    Apr 18 Ben DeBoer's paper has been accepted in Control Engineering Practice. Well done!

    Mar 13 Hossein has a paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. Congratulations!

    Jan 20 Conor's paper has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference in Kuala Lumpur. Congratulations!

    Oct 2 We are recruiting a PhD and a MASc student to work on the design and control of haptic devices. See "openings" for details.

    Sep 27 New funding from the Cancer Research Society awarded to the lab to support our research on instrumentation for prostate cancer biopsy. Read the story here.

    Sep 21 New infrastructure funding will from CFI will support our research on robotic surgery. Read the story here.

    Aug 30 Sam has been awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Scholarhip in Science and Technology at Carleton for 2022-2023. Congratulations!

    Jun 30 Rick's paper "A Lumped Element Method for Acoustoelectric Imaging Reconstruction" has been accepted for presentation at IEEE SMC 2022. Great job!

    Jun 23 Ben Keeshan's paper "Reduced effective sensitivity of Acoustoelectric Tomography" has been accepted for presentation at ICBEM-ICEBI-EIT 2022. Congratulations!

    Apr 13 Ben DeBoer has successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations!

    Apr 07 Maciej has a paper accepted at the International Conference on Smart Multimedia in Marseille. Well done!

    Mar 29 Ben DeBoer has a paper accepted in Robotics and Automation Letters. Congratulations!

    Aug 16 Olivia has has successfully defended his thesis on "robotic assistance for percutaneous nephrolithotomy". Congratulations!

    Aug 13 Rick Tan has successfully defended his thesis on "Electrical impedance tomography for internal radiation therapy". Great work!

    Jul 28 Brayden Kent's paper has been accepted for publication in Medical & Biological Eng & Computing! Great job, again!

    Jul 24 We have 4 papers accepted at IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Congratulations to Ben (x2), Olivia, Brayden K., Maciej, and Conor!

    Jul 14 Olivia's paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. Congratulations!

    Jun 30 Olivia has a paper accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2021). Well done!

    Jun 03 Maciej has been selected as the winner of the Ontario Tech 2021 outstanding master's thesis award. Hats off and congratulations!

    Jun 02 Ben has been awarded the Ontario Graduate Scholarship. Congrats!

    May 27 Rick's paper has been accepted in Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. Well done!

    May 25 Brayden Kent has a paper accepted in Computers in Biology and Medicine. Congratulations!

    Feb 20 Olivia has a paper accepted in Elsevier Mechatronics. Great job!

    Jan 14 Conor's paper has been accepted in Frontiers in Big Data. Great work!

    Jan 09 Brayden DeBoon has a paper accepted in Control Engineering Practice. Well done!

    Sep 30 Brayden Kent has successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations!

    Aug 30 Brayden DeBoon has a paper accepted in ASME Journal of Biomechanics. Great work!

    Aug 21 Rick and Brayden Kent have each a paper accepted for IEEE SMC2020. Well done!

    Aug 06 Maciej has successfully defended his thesis. Contratulations to him!

    Jun 18 New equipment grant will support our research on a new imaging method for robotic surgery. Read the story here.

    Jun 16 Part time undergraduate student research fellowships are avaible to 4th year students.

    Jun 01 We have a perspective paper accepted in Frontiers in Virtual Reality.

    Mar 19 Maciej has another paper accepted in Transactions on Haptics. Good job!

    Mar 12 Maciej has a chapter accepted in Human-robot interaction: control, analysis, and design. Well done!

    Jan 25 Maciej has a paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Haptics. Great job!

    Jan 21 Brayden DeBoon has a paper accepted at the 2020 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Nice work!

    Dec 03 Brayden DeBoon has successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations to him!

    Sep 18 Brayden Kent has a paper accepted in the International Conference on Smart Multimedia in San Diego. Great job!

    Aug 20 Brayden DB, Brayden KT, and Maciej have a paper accepted in the Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (IEEE GlobalSIP). Great job!

    June 20 Maciej has a paper accepted in the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Great work!

    May 15 A co-op position is available to Ontario Tech students. For more information, please see "openings".

    Apr 03 4 PhD or MSc positions are up for graps! For more information, please see "openings".

    Mar 29 New research funding awarded to the lab for our research on a new cancer imaging method.

    Jan 26 Brayden DeBoon has a paper accepted in the 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Great job!

    Jan 10 New NSERC grant will support our collaboration with

    Marion Surgical

    on robotic surgery. Can a robot remove kidney stones autonomously?

    Jan 03 An undergraduate summer research position is available in the lab to UOIT/FEAS students. For more information please see "openings".

    Aug 23 Congratulations to Amanjot for receiving an honourable mention in the UOIT Student Showcase for his work on robot-aided rehabilitation!

    Aug 20 A new graduate position is available in the lab. For more information please see "openings".

    Aug 07 Capstone design projects are now available in the Lab for UOIT/FEAS students. See "teaching" for more information.

    Jun 20 Internal funding awarded to the lab will support our research on electromechanical spectroscopy of tissue for cancer screening. Read the story here.

    May 17 New NSERC grant will fund our research on robotic surgery. Read the story here.

    Mar 27 Our past research featured on eeNews Europe: click here to read the story.

    Dec 15 A summer research position is avaiable to UOIT/FEAS undergraduate students. For more details see "openings".

    Dec 15 A PhD or MSc position is available in the area of biomedical ultrasound imaging and tissue spectroscopy. For more details about the position and information about how to apply, see "openings".

    Dec 15 A PhD or MSc position is available in the area of robot-aided surgery. For more details about the position and information about how to apply, see "openings".

    Jul 1 Filled. A MSc position is available in the area of actuator design and control for robotic-assisted rehabilitation.

    Jun 21 BioMechLab webpage is up and running.

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