Teaching & Courses

Online courses

Modern control systems: Click here
Surgical robotics: Click here
Actuators and power electronics: Click here
Biomedical systems modelling and control: Click here
Systems and simulation: Click here
YouTube Playlists by topic: Click here

Capstone Design Projects

Capstone Design is an opportunity for fourth-year Engineering students to demonstrate their ability to apply knowledge they have gained throughout their program. It is an eight-month effort to devise innovative solutions to real-world problems. At the end of second semester, students showcase their research and discoveries at the annual Faculty of Engineering Capstone Exhibition.

  • Teleoperated haptic devices for cooperative VR Training

  • Ophthalmic microsurgical robot with micrometre accuracy

  • Pediatric laparoscopic training and skills assessment simulator

Fall 2023 / winter 2024 projects
- Teleoperated Haptic Robotic Devices for Cooperative VR Training in Surgical Applications - Video competition winner. Project video
- Design and control of an ophthalmic microsurgical robot with micrometre accuracy - Poster fair, second prize. Project video
- Development of a Pediatric Laparoscopic Training and Skills Assessment Simulator - Popular vote winner. Project video, Carleton article

Fall 2022 / winter 2023 projects
- Design and development of an augmented reality surgery trainer for pediatric surgeons - Video competition winner. Project video
- Design and development of multi degree of freedom haptic device
- A tactile feedback stylus for augmented reality in medical training

Fall 2021 / winter 2022 projects
- Haptic musical instrument design for people of all abilities. Project video
- Haptic Pen: A tactile feedback stylus for augmented reality in medical training. Project video
- Design and development of a haptic simulator for pediatric laparoscopy training.
- Design and development of an augmented reality surgery trainer for pediatric surgeons.

Fall 2019 / winter 2020 projects
- Design and development of a surgical robot for coronary artery bypass graft on a beating heart. Project video
- Design and development of modular 3D printed rehabilitation devices for in-home musculoskeletal physical therapy. Project video

Fall 2018 / winter 2019 projects
- Design and development of a navigation system for firefighters using simultaneous localization and mapping.
- Design and development of a remotely controlled passive force-feedback device for musculoskeletal physical therapy.

Courses | Cours

SYSC 4602 - Surgical robotics (winter 2023)

Surgical robotic system architecture, forward and inverse kinematics of articulated robot arms, force and position control, unilateral and bilateral teleoperation of surgical robots, haptics and force feedback, instrumentation, image-guided surgery, design and implementation of robotic systems for minimally invasive surgery.

SYSC 3600 - Systems and Simulation (winter 2022/2023)

Properties of linear systems, convolution, Linear dynamic models of engineering systems. Applications of the Laplace transform. Transfer functions. Block diagrams. Frequency and time response. System simulation with digital computers.

SYSC 3610 - Biomedical systems modelling and control (fall 2021/2022)

Modeling and control of biomedical systems. Properties of linear systems. Linear dynamic models of biomedical systems. Biomedical application of the Laplace transforms. Transfer functions. Block diagram. Frequency and time response. Feedback, control, and stability.

METE 3100 - Actuators and power electronics (winter 2019/2020)

This course covers the fundamentals of AC and DC actuators, the necessary power electronics to interface with them, along with their basic control. Topics include: AC synchronous and induction motors; DC servo and stepper motors, power electronics, including H-bridges, PWM control, interfacing, power amplifiers, transformers; and an introduction to position, speed and torque control of motors.
- Lecture videos and lecture notes: Click here

MECE 3350 - Control systems (fall 2018/2019)

The contents of this course include: Analysis and synthesis of linear feedback systems by classical and state space techniques, nonlinear and optimal control systems, modelling of dynamic systems, analysis of stability, transient and steady state characteristics of dynamic systems, characteristics of feedback systems, design of PID control laws using frequency response methods and the root locus technique, and an introduction to nonlinear and optimal control.
- Lecture videos and lecture notes Click here

MECE 2430 - Dynamics (spring 2018)

This course provides fundamental engineering knowledge of time varying systems. It also examines the kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies. Course topics include: kinematics of particles; rectilinear and curvilinear motions; Cartesian, normal-tangential, polar and cylindrical components of velocity and acceleration in two and three dimensions; planar kinematics of rigid bodies; general plane motion; rotating frames; kinetics of particles; kinetics of systems of particles; planar kinetics of rigid bodies; force and acceleration; friction; work and energy; conservative and non-conservative systems; impulse and momentum; introduction to three-dimensional kinematics of a rigid body.
- Sample lecture notes: Relative acceleration

MECE 2230 - Statics (fall 2017)

This course provides fundamental engineering knowledge of static systems, bodies at rest, force and moment equilibrium of rigid bodies, and mechanics of materials and deformable bodies. Course topics include: forces; moments of forces; couples; resultant and equilibrium of force systems; distributed loads; equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies; analysis of structures including beams, structural analyses including trusses, frames and machines; mechanical joints, the concept of internal forces, shear and moment forces and diagrams, relations between distributed load, shear and moments; friction forces on mechanical components, centroid, moment of inertia, parallel axis theory, and the concept of virtual work.
- Sample lecture notes: Dry friction

ECE 210 - Digital logic design

The objective of this course is to introduce the student to the study of digital systems. This course serves as a building block in many disciplines such as digital control, micro-controllers, digital computers etc. The goal of this course is to perform arithmetic operations in different number systems, manipulate Boolean algebraic structures and expressions, implement the Boolean functions using logic gates, analyse and design various combinational logic circuits, and to understand the basic functions of flip-flops and sequential circuits.
- Sample lecture notes: Sequential circuits

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